Our Mission: “Promoting and facilitating the sustainable socio-economic development based on people’s own creativity”

Our Vision: “A self-reliant community with improved livelihoods”

Objectives(1) Strengthen and support the economic activities of the population without any discrimination, through community saving groups and cooperatives creation to achieve food security and poverty reduction. (2) Promote appropriate environmental protection practices and conservation, disaster management and climate change adaptation. (3) Prevent HIV/AIDS spread among the adolescent youth, unwanted teenage pregnancies, and empowerment. (4) Promote hygiene and sanitation through development and management of water and sanitation infrastructures and to increase clean water access to communities and affordable sanitation facilities. (5) Promote gender equality through I.C.T and entrepreneurship targeting women and youth to foster sustainable development. (6) Develop capacity and promote research to determine poverty causes and the eradication strategies. (7) Promote children education by advocacy. (8) Promote and implement humanitarian actions for vulnerable people and mitigate the effects disaster and epidemics.

Core Values: Efficiency, Creativity, Inclusivity, Team work and Adaptability,

Principles: “4 eyes and 5 rights Principles”: To ensure money from donor and others partners is efficiently and economically managed, 4 eyes principle is always applicable in financial management and value for money is enhanced through 4 rights principles: Right price, Rights place, Right time, Right quality and Right quantity